Saturday, October 25, 2014

Popcorn Songs

Did you know October is popcorn month? I do now! The National Education Association has several popcorn activities compiled by grade, and I'm not sure who put this popcorn mini-theme project together, but it comes in a handy PDF to print out.

In honor of one of my favorite snacks, I held a popcorn themed storytime this morning. Nine boys attended and three parents. While I got pulled away to the library counter, one of the moms taught them a popcorn song. Turns out, it was two songs put back-to-back. While I can remember all the actions, I can't remember the tune of the second song. Here are a couple versions of the first half... sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, POP!

Of all the popcorn songs I searched through, my favorite is Greg and Steve's 'Popcorn' song:
Popcorn by Greg & Steve on Grooveshark