Edited by Alix Olson
This is what every anthology should be - eclectic and yet
relevant. The best part of this book is each poet's personal essay. Each essay
is only a few pages long, but together they cover lots of topics, ideas, and
emotions. Issues such as... asking ‘why write?' or ‘ why perform?', being
transgender, competing in slam poetry, musing about race, raising the quality
of art, rejecting labels, teaming up with other artists, etc. Read this if you
are a woman or a writer. Read this if you feel young, jaded, creative, or
ostracized. You'll find something to identify with, to be inspired by, and to
be shocked by. (P.S. Don't be discouraged by the forward. I thought it was the
worst poem in the book. Skip the forward and tackle the the rest of the poems
with an open mind and heart.)" (Originally posted as SquareSpot onPaperBackSwap.com.)